We stay with the basics and take a look at how to take a right turn correctly on your Driving Test in Ireland.
In this video, we show you how to turn right correctly & also several different situations that can occur and how to handle them. If you have a driving test coming this will be very helpful.
Welcome to the latest video in our series on how to pass your driving test in this video we are going to take a look at right turns we're going back to basics, since last week thanks to everybody who watched the last video by the way and thanks to all our new subscribers and a big hello to you and i hope you're finding the videos helpful if you want more as always we do have a full pre-driving test course on our website passforcetime.ie and it's still at an incredibly low price it's at half price at the moment so if you have a driving test coming up i've no doubt it will benefit you check it out at passforcetime.ie and there's a free and driving test secrets mini course in there for you as well back to today though and we're sticking with the basics last week we went back back to basics with left turns which is very important and this week we're going to take a look at how you should take your right turns correctly so we're going to look at a few scenarios um as we go along but we're going to start with a basic right turn so your main road position is mirror and signal on approach center and right mirror and you're moving over next to the center line all examiners teach this slightly differently some use the mirror signal maneuver routine some will use mirror signal maneuver and break it down into psl position speed and look and other driving instructors have their own way of teaching this so just go with whatever your your driving instructor is teaching you the end result normally will be the same most driving instructors will use the method that they're most comfortable with and that works best for them i use mirror signal maneuver myself so you check your mirrors your signal and your maneuver then as you're slowing down your observation your changing of your gears etc so on approach you're watching for oncoming traffic you'll also be glancing into the road you're turning into to make sure it's safe to go into that road and your turning point is very important and your turning point is the dividing line of the road you're going into if you bring a line straight out and make an imaginary line across across your road that is where you're going up to now once you get to here if there's a car coming towards you that's where you stop and wait for the oncoming traffic to clear if there is no vehicle coming toward you that's where you turn directly into the left-hand side of the road you are going into so that is your turning point on a normal right turn this time let's take a look with oncoming traffic so mirror and signal on approach your observation is opening up you see the oncoming car so you pause at the correct position your road is clear to move into so once the oncoming car clears you will be able to move calmly and safely into the road you are turning into another scenario coming up this time you have two right turns and if the examiner says to you i want you to take the second turning coming up on the right it's important that you don't move over to the right too early and that you don't signal too early that people might be confused and feel that you are taking the first right turn so let's take a look on how to do it you move over just as you're on top of the force right turn and you signal just as you pass the force right turn and you take the second right turn then as per normal so ensure that you don't move over too early in case people would be trying to undertake you very early if the road is wide and that you don't signal too early this time that nice pedestrian and the dog are part of our scenario if the pedestrian is crossing the road you'll pause and wait and only start to move once the pedestrian is safely cleared and you can move into the new road nice and comfortably next scenario is par cars approaching the junction and this can often happen that you have to maneuver around parked vehicles here the whole idea really would be that if there's clearly a big truck here with the oncoming traffic and to move out around the truck any earlier with oncoming traffic would have been dangerous so you wait in this nice safe position until the oncoming traffic has cleared when you would see it safe and then you maneuver safely around the truck and you turn into your new road and there are cars on the new road again you just look ahead make sure it's safe and you can move maneuver around them as you move up into the new road so there are a couple of scenarios scenarios for you if i just turn off this for a sec the main normal driving path for right turn there it is laid out for you sometimes you you won't have a center line um for various reasons it might be worn away or whatever and people will often ask me if there is no line what do i do you make an imaginary line in your own head and you say roughly that is where the the center of the road would have been that the line would be uh and the safe point for me to turn so if there's no line you work away yourself and uh work it out for yourself where that line should have been let's take a look this time at t junction and we will start with a standard right turn this is a yield right of way junction uh here so you're rolling up again your road position and approach just next to the center line you will always be unless there's a reason not to maybe an oncoming truck that you couldn't move over safely but unless you know there is something and and a very good reason for you not to move over next to the center line that's your road position on approach up into the corner you're going here for a yield you'd be moving slowly and as long as it's safe you move out into the road and turn now moving straight out and turning you will do if the road is wide enough but the road especially here in ireland a lot of them can be narrow and you probably will in a lot of them start turning almost immediately due to the size of the road let's look at a few scenarios here now and this is a controlled roll at a yield right of way junction so you'd be slowing down more than likely popping to one here depending on visibility and then slowly rolling out onto the road at yield right of way junction and another scenario this is peep and creep this is we had a look at this when you were turning left as well this means that when you approach the junction there are vehicles on one or both sides of the junction so you have to move out slowly to get a very good view get to a point where you can see and then make a decision whether you can move safely into the road you're turning into or not as the as the case may be so observation in both ways they're very important and making sure you can see out around the parked vehicles this is a situation this time that can happen very often and you really need to be careful it's of another vehicle caught in the corner this happens more often than people think so there you are the oncoming vehicle caught across the corner and you have to recognize and anticipate that this is going to happen so your observation vital remember observation is the number one reason people failed the driving test so clearly here if your observation wasn't good you wouldn't spot the oncoming car i'm just going to reset this and play this again because i think it's important for you to to see this and it happens more often than people think car turning right cuts across the junction so you hold back in that case as far as you need to for safety and once the car does cross you then you can move up so two rungs don't make right you must make sure that you keep yourself and the other drivers safe and next one here crossroads situation so you're rolling up same situation here you have a vehicle opposite you're moving straight ahead so once that vehicle starts to move straight ahead you can start to move into junction once they clear and turn as long as it's safe from both sides so a lot of observation going on at the crossroads there stop junction and in ireland a lot of the junctions will be stop junctions you roll up into the top right hand corner a full stop of course before the line stop junction does not mean nearly stop it means stop fully the tip i give people is stop and go one two have a good look and then if it's safe you can move out into your road finally let's have a look at the safe normal turning pad there for a right turn at a t junction so there's right turns and there are a lot of different there are a lot of other scenarios for right turns but that just gives you the basics and make sure you have those basics well off and that your road position is correct and as you saw from the scenarios we ran it is massively important that your observation is at its peak so hopefully that was helpful a lot of people doing driving tests at the moment and the level of driving test is going to increase over the coming months so if you're prepping for your test good luck with the prep if you have a test coming up all the best with that check out our previous videos by the way look back through the channel we have over 30 videos now so there are videos on a lot of topics and again check out the website password time dot i e don't forget if you are doing your driving test the best of luck with it the key really is to prepare properly there will be an awful lot of extra driving tests coming up over the next couple of months so prepare early get it the first time and that way you won't have to be reapplying and waiting for a long long time and check out our website for lots more information on the test till the next video safe motoring
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